Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Playtests Round Dos

Here's a short summary of things that have come up in recent playtests, good and bad.

  • Players seem to love the mechanic and the crazy humorous way the game plays.
  • The level, prior to its new redesign was heralded as way too short though they liked where it was beginning to go. This is mostly fixed.
  • A lot of the negative feedback regarded challenge this resulted in us developing ways for people to lose.
  • People who played before commented on the better "gravity" and physics, they also commented how fun it was to beat the bears with your music.
  • They also commented on how nice it looked with textures and particle effects.
  • People really dig the compression wave.
We've got a lot to get done but we can do it. The level is almost 100% done and most of the mechanics work now.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

It occurs to me there is an update due this evening

So what I've been up to lately:

* Making the particle effect look like a compression blast - still not all that great, but experimenting with a few other ideas. Its easy to iterate on, but seemingly difficult to get right.
* Increasing the design for our level - While I like our current design, it feels like it needs more to be a minute of awesome. So I am lengthening it out a bit. Pushing the designs to the team on Thursday.
* Increasing the sillyness of the world - speakers, other things for the player to interact with, and such. Some are planned out, others need some tweaking.
* The title screen. I have it drawn out, just have to make it.
* Playtests, playtests, playtests. Been doing a lot of them, trying to make sure the mechanic is as tight as possible.

We've got a rough journey ahead of us, but I am certain that we will prevail.



Monday, October 10, 2011

This Week on Dateline

Over the weekend I textured the penguin that joe combined with a single texture and did a basic rig on its wings so that they can rotate. The polar bear was animated and was able to find other follower penguins to populate the game. Also found more static background objects. This week I will continue working on objects and getting Wub the penguin animated.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Weekly Post

At the beginning of the week I was finding more static models to be used in the background and uploading usable fbx's to p4v. When trying to get the penguin into unity we ran into issues with multiple textures and multiple objects making up the penguin and going into unity not as a single mesh. Joe was able to get the penguin in as one mesh but lost some rig control and it will need to be re-rigged. This weekend will be spent making more background objects that Joe has requested and nailing down a finished penguin.